In the previous post we’ve learned the basic concepts that are required to implement the MVVM pattern using Prism in a Universal Windows app. In this post, we’ll continue our journey by exploring more details about using commands.

Managing secondary events with commands

When we use the Command property provided by the XAML control, we define the operation that should be executed when the user interacts with the primary event exposed by the control. For example, if it’s a Button, the Command property is connected to the Click event, so the operation is performed when the user taps on the button. However, in some situation we may have the requirement to subscribe to additional events that are exposed by the control. Let’s say, for example, that we want to manage the DoubleTapped event exposed by the Button control, which is triggered when you perform a double tap (instead of a single tap) on the button.

The goal can be achieved thanks to the behaviors provided by the Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity library, which can be added to your project by right clicking on it, choosing Add reference and, in the Extensions section, enabling the Behaviors SDK (XAML) option. Now you’ll be able to use some behaviors that can be used to connect a secondary event to a command in the ViewModel. Here is a sample in the XAML page:

    Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">

        <Button Content="Double tap me">
                <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="DoubleTapped">
                    <core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=DoubleTapCommand}" />

As you can, we’ve added two new namespaces to the XAML page definition: one is Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity, the other one is Microsoft.Xaml.Interactions.Core. Thanks to these namespaces we are able to define, by using the attached property Interaction.Behaviors, the list of behaviors that we want to apply to the control (in our case, it’s the Button one). The behavior we’re going to use is called EventTriggerBehavior, which requires, by using the EventName property, the name of the event exposed by the control that we want to connect to it: in this case, it’s the DoubleTapped one. Inside the behavior we need to specify which action we want to perform: in this case, we need to use the InvokeCommandAction trigger, which is used to invoke an ICommand object defined in the ViewModel.

From the ViewModel point of view, nothing changes when it comes to define the DoubleTapCommand: it’s a standard implementation of the DelegateCommand class, as we’ve seen in the previous post.

public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModel
    public MainPageViewModel()
        DoubleTapCommand = new DelegateCommand(async () =>
            MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Double tap performed");
            await dialog.ShowAsync();

    public DelegateCommand DoubleTapCommand { get; private set; }

The command simply displays a message to the user, using a MessageDialog popup, every time it’s invoked.

Commands with parameters

Commands also support a way to pass parameters to the method that is invoked when the command is invoked. From the XAML point of view, it’s enough to set the parameter using the CommandParameter property offered by every control that support the Command property. The following sample shows how to set a parameter with a Button control:

<Button Content="Click me" Command="{Binding Path=DisplayMessageCommand}" CommandParameter="Text of the message" />

This approach is not a specific Prism feature, but it’s built-in in the XAML frameworks. What Prism offers is a a different implementation of the DelegateCommand class, which supports a parameter using generics. The following sample shows how to declare the DisplayMessageCommand so that it can receive a string parameter (since the value passed to the CommandParameter property is a text):

public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModel
    public MainPageViewModel()
        DisplayMessageCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(async (args) =>
            MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(args);
            await dialog.ShowAsync();

    public DelegateCommand<string> DisplayMessageCommand { get; private set; }


There are two differences compared to a standard DelegateCommand implementation:

  • We’re using the **DelegateCommand** type, where **T** is the parameter’s type (in our sample, it’s **string**).
  • The anonymous method that contains the code that is executed when the command is invoked contains a parameter, which is the value received by the CommandParameter property. In the sample, it’s called args and we use it to display to the user, using a MessageDialog, the parameter’s value.

Passing as parameter the event handler’s argument

When you work in code behind and you subscribe to an event handler, typically you get a parameter that contains some important information about the event. Let’s use, as sample, a ListView control, which is used to display a collection of items. One way to interact with the list (that is often used when you just need to know which item has been chosen, for example in a master – detail scenario) is to set the IsItemClickEnabled property to True: this way you can simply subscribe to the ItemClick event to get which item has been selected. Here is a sample usage of this event in the code behind:

private void NewsList_OnItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
    News news = e.ClickedItem as News;

As you can see, the event handler contains a parameter (which type is ItemClickEventArgs) which stores, inside the ClickedItem property, the item that the user has selected in the ListView. In the previous sample, we’re displaying a collection of News objects so, thanks to a cast, we’re converting the selected item (which is a generic object) into the proper type.

This approach works fine in code behind, but what about MVVM? Since we have a command and not an event handler, how we can get, in the ViewModel, the event arguments received by the method (in this case, the ItemClickEventArgs object)? Prism makes things simple: it’s enough to create a **DelegateCommand** property in the ViewModel, where **T** is the event argument’s type. Prism will automatically take care of passing, to the command, the event arguments of the event we’ve subscribed. Let’s consider the following sample:

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=News}" SelectionMode="Single" IsItemClickEnabled="True">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Style="{StaticResource SubheaderTextBlockStyle}" 
           TextWrapping="Wrap" />
        <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="ItemClick">
            <core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=ShowDetailCommand}"

We’re using the same approach we’ve seen before with the Button control: we’ve added an EventTriggerBehavior to the ListView control, which is connected to the ItemClick event. Then we applied an InvokeCommandAction, which invokes a command called ShowDetailCommand. As you can see, we’re not specyfing any command parameter. However, we are able to create a DelegateCommand object in the ViewModel that looks like this:

public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModel
    public MainPageViewModel()
        ShowDetailCommand = new DelegateCommand<ItemClickEventArgs>((args) =>
            News news = args.ClickedItem as News;

    public DelegateCommand<ItemClickEventArgs> ShowDetailCommand { get; private set; }

As you can see, we’ve not created a plain DelegateCommand object, but a **DelegateCommand** one, where **T** is the event argument’s type we receive in the event handler (in our case, it’s **ItemClickEventArgs**). Prism will automatically inject, into the method, the event handler’s parameter: when we create the **DelegateCommand** object, we are able to access to this parameter and to perform the same operation we did in the code behind (which is accessing to the **ClickedItem** property and casting it to a **News** object). This way we would be able, for example, to use the Prism’s navigation service (which we’ll cover in the next post) to redirect the user to detail page, passing as parameter the selected item.

Wrapping up

As usual, you can find the sample code used for this post in the GitHub’s project available at the URL

Index of the posts about Prism and Universal Windows apps

  1. The basic concepts
  2. Binding and commands
  3. Advanced commands
  4. Navigation
  5. Managing the application’s lifecycle
  6. Messages
  7. Layout management

Sample project: