For me the first day of the year is always a special day: not only because it’s a day full of hope for the things that are going to come during the year, but also because it’s the day in which, since 2011, my MVP status expires. If you’re not familiar with the MVP, it’s an award gifted by Microsoft to the community leaders for their passion and enthusiasm in sharing their knowledge about Microsoft technologies (in my case, about Windows Phone development). It’s not a “one time” award: you have to earn it every year and to prove that you still deserve it. For me, this time of the year is 1st January: and I’m really happy to say that Microsoft has confirmed his trust in me and renewed my award also for 2014!

2013 has been a crazy year for me as an MVP: 2 summits, the release of my first book, the Windows Phone Week organization, the Italian webinar series with Nokia and much much more. There are so many people to thank for this great year! The first one is, for sure, my wife Angela, that keeps supporting me, even when my activities steal some of the time that we can spend together. Then, in random order:

  • Lorenzo Barbieri, which is not only a friend but he’s also the best supporter (together with the DPE department) of the Windows Phone activities that we organize with the community.
  • Daniele Pagani, Luca De Bernardi and Frangino Lucarini, which are part of the Italian Nokia team that are doing an amazing job in supporting the Italian Windows Phone developers and our activities as Nokia Champions.
  • Desiree Lockwood, the referral for our activities as Windows Phone Development MVPs. She’s an amazing person and she’s doing a terrific job. Without her, the Windows Phone Week (and many other activities) would have been just a crazy idea.
  • The Windows Phone Development’s MVP family (with a special mention to Joost Van Schaik): they’re the living proof that being part of the MVP family doesn’t mean just connecting with great professionals, but also that you can find and meet great friends, even if they live far away from you.
  • Ugo Lattanzi: if today I have the pleasure to be part of the MVP family it’s totally his fault SmileHe’s the one that, 5 years ago, made me discover the community world and conviced me to open a blog and to do my first speech about Windows Phone. Everything started right there Smile
  • Roberto Freato and the DotNetLombardia crew, which accepted me as part of the community and involved (and keep involving me) in all their activities.
  • Funambol and my team: I’ve joined the company more than 1 year ago and it has been one of the best things that happened in my life. I met many special people and friends and I love the way the company keeps supporting my community activites. I’m really proud to be part of it!

But, of course, my biggest thank goes to all the developers and communities out there, which keeps supporting and believing in me. I’m looking forward to keep working with you in 2014!