It’s been a while since my last blog post: unfortunately, I’ve been very busy in the latest month to deliver my new book about Universal Windows apps development, that will be published as a free e-book by Syncfusion in the upcoming months. Moreover, a big professional change happened in my life too, that you should already know if you follow me on Twitter: in the beginning of October I’ve resigned from my previous company, Funambol, and since 2 weeks I’ve joined Microsoft as a Support Engineer, focused on supporting Windows Phone and Windows Store apps developers. Consequently, I’m no longer a member of the MVP community: it’s the “price to pay” to join Microsoft, since the MVP award is given only to independent developers, so you can’t be a Microsoft employee and a MVP at the same time. However, even if it’s a displeasure not to be party anymore of such a great community, I’m really excited about my new position: now I have the chance to do, as a job, what I like most, which is supporting developers and helping them to deliver great Windows Phone and Windows Store applications. However, community played an important role in the latest years, both in my professional and personal life: being not a MVP anymore doesn’t mean that I will stop to support communities, so I will continue to write on my blog, to speak at conferences and to answer your questions.

I promise, too, to start writing more on my blog Smile

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